Monday, May 7, 2012

hey it's may

It's been a great month! I've been blessed with a temporary job and it feels so great to be making money again. Nothing beats getting to bring J to work with me and not pay 50% of my daily wage in childcare expenses.

Since I have more financial flexibility, I signed J.bug up for soccer. I always joke that it's in his blood, since me and NCP were both goalies. He starts lessons next Thursday, and I seriously could not be more  excited. No, seriously. I already tracked down xxs toddler shinguards and an El Salvador 2T jersey. Oh believe me, there will be photos. When his shinguards came in the mail this evening he was so excited to put on his "soccer legs" and we ended up kicking a ball back and forth for over an hour!

Ok, I swear I'm not just saying this because I'm his mom and I love him and think he's God's gift to man.
The kid is GOOD. He's amazing, actually. It only took me telling him once "no hands, just feet" to grasp the concept. And he's got a power kick! This isn't exactly working in our little 2 bedroom apartment, but hopefully Rochester will decide it's spring soon and I can get outside with him. And now anytime I sit on the couch to rest him cheerfully asks "Mommy, play soccer with me! PWEASE!?" I'm so happy he loves it, and I'm hoping he'll love his lessons too.

Sleep still isn't going well. He's still up at least 2 times at night. It seems like he has nightmares and needs help falling back to sleep. And he still sleep walks. Since it's been 3 1/2 years, and I've tried every trick, every book, every doctor, and I've acknowledge that this isn't just resolving itself, I finally resorted to my "last attempt." People have been telling me to try melatonin for 2 years. I was never comfortable with the idea, but I've finally come to grips with it and tried it.
Well guess what? It doesn't work. I think it has the opposite affect. He wakes up earlier (like, 5:20am) and is still getting up in the middle of the night. Hey, at least I tried, right?

On Saturday we journeyed to Ithaca to say goodbye to our friend Veronica. J is completely in love with her son P and they are just adorable together. They're headed down to Indiana for the summer so we got the kids together for one last photoshoot playdate.

I finally have a canvas for my living room, I think. Just need to recalibrate and get a test print first.

Yup. Because he's not my mini me or anything.


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